DataX - Data Exchange


Data Exchange & Conversion

DataX provides interfaces to 3rd-party engineering and CAD software.

Build- in tools to convert legacy power system analysis software and automatically generate a multi-layered graphical one-line diagram in conjunction with the electrical data and associated studies.

It provides engineering, construction and maintenance teams automated interfaces to transfer CAD data seamlessly into ETAP’s intelligent electrical power system modeling & analysis.

  • ArcFM

    A data conversion tool for importing project data from ArcFM CIM XML file and generating diagram in ETAP GIS View.

  • NetPM™ - Network Project Management

    Save hundreds of work-hours by this efficient new multi-user platform for project execution and management.

  • Universal Mapping

    Flexible database mapping module to transform and manipulate data between ETAP and other databases

  • ETAP - AVEVA Interface

    Data exchange between AVEVA Electrical and ETAP analysis solution

  • eXCAD™

    Interface simplifies the way you design and analyze electrical systems

  • Conversion Tools

    Conversion tools to import from legacy power system software

  • Excel & Access Interface

    Map Excel & Access worksheets to ETAP elements

  • Revit Interface

    Simplify modeling & design by importing Revit drawings to ETAP one-line diagram

  • SmartPlant Electrical Interface

    Bidirectional data synchronization between ETAP and Intergraph’s SmartPlant Electrical (SPEL)

  • ESRI ArcGIS™

    The ESRI ArcGIS Interface easily converts system models from ESRI ArcGIS to ETAP

ETAP Consulting supports clients worldwide in performing model validation of database conversions and data exchange projects.

Contact us at to assist you with database conversion projects.


How to Easily Migrate  from Legacy Software Projects to ETAP

How to Easily Migrate from Legacy Software Projects to ETAP

In this webinar, we demonstrated how easy it is to convert to ETAP 22 from various legacy software applications using the most advanced built-in data conversation tool. We also explored many of the new features & capabilities in ETAP 22 and revealed tips and tricks for the best ETAP experience.

ETAP - Revit Data Exchange

ETAP - Revit Data Exchange

The ETAP-Revit data exchange utility simplifies the electrical design process by utilizing data already available in a Autodesk Revit® model. The interface automatically generates electrical models in ETAP to perform calculations and checks.

AVEVA Electrical – ETAP Interface

AVEVA Electrical – ETAP Interface

This presentation aims to introduce the AVEVA Electrical product and how the graphical engineering philosophy can be used to rapidly populate an engineering database. The recently released AVEVA – ETAP data exchange will also be shown, to highlight how easily data can be transferred.

NetPM™ Network Project Modeling & Management

NetPM™ Network Project Modeling & Management

This webinar introduces ETAP NetPM™ and demonstrates how this powerful time-saving solution for topology synchronization, data integration, model coordination & validation, and information transfer benefits users across the entire life cycle of the electrical network from modeling to operation and from engineering-consultants to owner-operators.

Conversion Tutorial from SKM to ETAP

Conversion Tutorial from SKM to ETAP

Migration from SKM Power*Tools® just got easier, faster and more complete! Convert your SKM Dapper & Captor project files into ETAP power system analysis software.